I always leave time at the end of my interviews for the candidates to ask questions. Almost every person I speak to asks about the company culture. More specifically, work life balance at the company. Many companies boast about offering great work life balance, but that can mean something different to everyone.
This year time of year I always struggle with finding the balance between work and life. There are holidays, birthdays, parties and travel plans. The weather can be tricky (I live in NJ) and the traffic gets out of control. I have less time after hours to respond to emails and complete remaining work. It can be overwhelming.
I reached out to everyone on my team and asked them what work life balance means to them. I expected responses like, being able to take an extended lunch to go to a doctor’s appointment. Or work from home on days that their kids are off from school. Even additional PTO time when they have a major life event. I was wrong. [optinlocker]
The theme of all the responses was flexibility. No one said they needed anything specific. Everyone just wants to work for a company that understands life happens.
I am lucky enough to work for a great company and I have a boss I am always comfortable speaking openly with. When I am overwhelmed at work I know who to go to. Does everyone in your company feel this way? Consider checking in with your teams, especially new hires, to make sure they are feeling supported.
By Caitlin Mandeville | People Science Client Service Manager [/optinlocker]