There is much to be gained through conversations that keep us engaged, they simply make life more interesting. When we feel comfortable, we are more apt to open-up, to share, think and speak more freely. After all, if our primary goal is to learn about prospective employees, let’s make that happen and always keep in mind that conversations are a two-way street.
I like to start out by building rapport, whether through establishing a common ground, a clever ice-breaker or asking informal questions that will set the tone and create a relaxed setting. Remember the goal here is to create a space that is and feels genuine. Conversations are a two-way street, so be sure to allow enough time for the both of you to speak, listen and reflect of what is being said. [optinlocker]
As a professional, it is important to be authentic and to be yourself when having conversations with potential employees. We all vary in style, that’s what makes us unique! Embrace your individuality, when you project an authentic, personal style you allow others to open up and project theirs, shedding more light and insight into who they are. Know your personality and use that to your advantage.
By asking our potential employees open-ended questions we enable them to elaborate and through that, we can obtain critical knowledge that may help with our hiring decisions. We learn about their style, how they think and if this resource would be a good cultural fit. By simply asking “tell me about a time when..” OR “what were the details of..” leaves room for elaboration and even further discussion and discussions lead to knowledge and we all know, knowledge is golden!
By Susan Ravens | People Science Sr Talent Advisor [/optinlocker]