As the unemployment rate drops, and the country is considered to be essentially at staff, we want to celebrate that we have made huge changes in employment. Much of the population is working, contributing, and consuming! An overall positive outcome for the economy.
However, every action has a reaction, so as the unemployment rate drops, naturally recruiting is becoming more challenging. There are fewer candidates seeking new work opportunities and career changes. This makes finding the right candidates for open positions more challenging as it is less common to receive qualified candidates that match the job posting, that we in TA put out there for the world. [optinlocker]
So, I must ask myself do I have the right balance of talent on my recurring teams, are my recruiters good at sourcing? Do I need to bring in new talent to ensure I have the balance needed to get my open positions filled and keep my customers happy? Just because you have great recruiters doesn’t mean that they excel at sourcing.
Think of it this way, would you have a Data Processor who is great with numbers, run your marketing campaigns? I hope you all just thought to yourselves “NO WAY”, because that’s not what they are best at. Well, the same thing applies to filling your open positions. So, I challenge you to ask yourself are your recruiters capable of doing the sourcing you need? If not it’s definitely time to add sourcing talent to your teams, or you are going to struggle to hit your hiring goals.
By Lindsey Roundtree | People Science Director of Client Services [/optinlocker]