Each recruitment initiative has different challenges and requires a unique solution. One size does not fit all. As Recruitment Process Outsourcing is coming of age we see many varying degrees, many different models, suppliers, expectations and proclamations of success and failure.
With so many variables in play, perhaps a good starting point of understanding Recruitment Process Outsourcing is to look at some commonly held misconceptions:
Myth | Reality |
Too Expensive | Actually, RPO has been proven to reduce overall recruitment costs by 15-40% on average for companies of all sizes |
The Cheaper the better | There are varying degrees of RPO at different price points, one size does not fit all. |
Losing Control of Recruitment | RPO actually allows for more control as well as visibility with clearly defined processes, extensive reporting and agreed upon metrics |
Won’t work for my company | RPO has been a successful part of HR strategy for over 10 years. When both the company and the provider are committed, the outcome is always successful |
Supplier Wins and You Lose | A well designed and implemented RPO allows for both the client and provider to drive organizational success through productivity, efficiency and cost savings |
Losing Your Recruiting Team | In many RPOs, current client team members are transitioned to the RPO provider in order to retain organizational knowledge and productivity |
Transition will be Time Consuming | With a properly defined analysis process and access to data, RPO solutions can be designed, implemented and operating in as little as 4 weeks |
RPO Solutions are “One Size Fits All” | The best RPO providers offer clients the flexibility to outsource or in-source. In some cases, it makes more sense to augment a client’s current process rather than replace it |
Cures all recruitment challenges | A 3rd generation RPO can be instrumental in finding solutions, but only while working closely with the client. |
Must be initiated through HR | Many Recruitment Process Outsourcing partnerships are created at the business level or through finance. |
Complicated, long term contracts | The length of terms vary depending on what your company needs. RPO can be very successful even with a short, one time need to ramp up hiring. |
If you have any questions regarding this list or if you would like to discuss your recruitment needs, call us at 1-888-924-1004.