Getting a candidate in front of a hiring manager is an amazing accomplishment. What happens next? The candidate now must perform and prove that their experience, accomplishments, and motivation is what the hiring manager is looking for and is enough to get the candidate to the next step of the hiring process. There are many things they must do to prepare for their interview with the HM. Below are some obvious and not so obvious tips to help prepare your candidate for their interview.
- SLEEP-Make sure you tell your potential to get enough rest the night before. This will ensure attentiveness and the ability to remain alert.
- EAT-Do not go to the interview with an empty stomach. Your candidate must be physically and mentally prepared with enough rest and nutrition.
- DO COMPANY RESEARCH-The candidate who does research on the company that they are interviewing for will always have the upper hand.
- DO HIRING MANAGER RESEARCH-If ever possible and if you know the name of the hiring manager, have your candidate do research via LinkedIn or any other social media that is available. Finding relatable experience and connecting to the interviewer is always a plus!
- ASK QUESTIONS-At the end of an interview a common question asked to the candidate is “Do you have any questions?”. The worst answer is NO! Always have questions relating to the position. The most important question to ask is “Now that you know a little more information about me and my experience, do you have any hesitation on moving forward with me?” This question may provide the candidate the opportunity to have rebuttals for any hesitations. In addition, during the preceding conversation, there may have been some miscommunication. Again, this will give the candidate the opportunity to clean up any misunderstandings.
- REMAIN POSITIVE-Make sure the candidate knows to remain positive. Basically, take anything that may be construed as a negative and turn it around. Do not talk “sour” regarding current or previous employers. Highlight accomplishments and block any shortcomings. If there are any deadlines or quotas not attained, make sure those are followed up by how these issues were corrected.
- HIGH ENERGY-Quiet and low talking with little enthusiasm will most likely be viewed as uninterested. Act excited for the opportunity.
- DRESS FOR THE OCCASION-Business Attire. Neat and pressed. I must include one of the best pieces of advice that I ever received from my father, “Do not dress for the position you are interviewing for…dress for the position that you want.”
- COME PREPARED-Bring multiple copies of a resume or any other specific forms that are needed. If an application is to be filled out prior, please have that completed.
I am sure there are more points that can be added to this list. These 9 are just the major areas that I find very useful. Good luck to you and to your candidates. I hope that there was something in this list that will help achieve the ultimate goal-A JOB OFFER!
By Zack Goldberg | People Science Talent Advisor II