Good Morning! I am writing this blog from my kitchen table. That is correct, I am working from home. Due to the Coronavirus, my office is working remotely and doing our part in helping to stop the spread of this illness. This is really the first time in my life that I have been given the chance to work from home. I know what everyone is thinking. “What’s the problem! Sounds great!” Sure! It does sound great. I can sleep a little longer because I do not have to travel, no need to make my lunch because my fridge is right there, etc… The interesting thing is that I was slightly nervous about this situation. I was worried about not getting as much done. Maybe I am too comfortable at home and I would fall into a “lazier” routine.
Below are four quick suggestions on how to keep yourself accountable while working remotely.
- As soon as you wake up, do your morning routine as if you were heading into the office. Even dress as if you were going to the office. If you feel like your going to work than you are going to WORK!
- Set up space in your home where you have privacy and no distractions. Easier said than done! Many of my colleagues are home because their children are off from school and everything is closed. Those same colleagues also have to get their work done while becoming their children’s teacher. My personal situation is that I do not have a very big home. There is no place for me to go where I will have that kind of privacy. Basically, I am in the kitchen. Whatever your situation is, do your very best to set up a workstation that will allow you to do the best job you can do with minimal distractions.
- Schedule yourself! You know everything you have to do. Throw it on a schedule. With the technology we have, make sure you set your calendar to send you reminders.
- Stay in contact with your colleagues. My office has two virtual meetings a day. Even though we keep in contact during the day, we still have two meetings a day. Even if we are just planning in the morning and recapping in the afternoon, it is nice to see your team to simply say “Hello” and “Stay safe”.
In conclusion, it is all about keeping yourself accountable. Even though there are things going on in the world unlike anything most of us have experienced, it is our job to keep the ball rolling and continue to do whatever it is that we do to the best of our abilities. If you do have the option to work from home, consider yourself fortunate and make the most of it.
Good Luck and Stay Safe!
By Zack Goldberg | People Science Talent Solutions Specialist III