It’s no secret that the majority of us live in a bubble filled with people who look and act very similar to ourselves and that most of us rub shoulders with those who have fairly similar life stories and experiences. Without realizing it, we might bring that uniformity to work with us which is why intentional and vibrant diversity recruitment is much needed. Diversity in the workplace enhances a team’s ability to problem solve, create, and collaborate. It also provides each employee an opportunity to grow personally by fostering professional relationships that enhance their own understanding of the world.
What are some ways to attract diverse talent? Reach out to professional and networking associations that center around diverse groups. Attend networking events that focus on diversity. Colleges and universities are excellent resources for connecting with a diverse population. [optinlocker]
Reach out to a group that is underrepresented in your organization or the organization of your client. Partner with them to find talent and ask them for their recommendations on how to reach diverse populations in the talent pool. Diversity recruitment is an opportunity for talent acquisition to get to know the communities in which they are recruiting and to use their creativity in identifying new talent. The opportunities to grow both personally and professionally while learning from each other are endless and make the need for strategic and passionate diversity recruitment a must for every organization that truly wants to make an impact.
By Joy Lawson | People Science Sr Talent Advisor [/optinlocker]