Have you ever had days where everything seems to hit at once? A pending work deadline, a looming bill payment, personal issues or even the most frequently asked question, have I washed my hair recently? Big or small, so many distractions can creep into our work day and overwhelm us. How do we manage to stay focused and on task?
What has always worked for me is to take a deep breath and make a plan. A prioritized list, from smaller to larger projects. Break down your day. Break down your goals. Break down your week. Block off your schedule and dedicate a certain amount of time each day to work on each assignment and devote yourself to it. Maybe turn your phone off if you can’t help scrolling through social media or put in headphones to drown out office noise around you. Recognize what sidetracks you, block it out and focus! [optinlocker]
Sticking to a set schedule, though it sounds so simplistic, will require a lot of effort. You must be willing to power through the rut of “pushing things off.” I can do this tomorrow, I don’t have time, I’m too tired to start this or, my personal favorite on a Friday, “this sounds like a Monday problem.” Grab a cup of coffee, set up some time and get started! Nothing will make you feel more organized and productive than crossing something off your task list!
By Kelly Oberto | People Science Talent Advisor [/optinlocker]