People Science Open Positions

Brilliance Works Here

At People Science, we don’t just work in talent acquisition,
we work on it.

Our team is composed of highly skilled and accomplished recruiters alongside talented, natural processing experts.

All are dedicated thinkers and doers with diverse talents that provide the creative edge and innovative ideas that drive our many success stories.

At its core, recruiting is about people. Our information systems, processes, and methodologies form a solid foundation for delivering exceptional services and outcomes, but it’s our team’s unique talents and abilities that truly define the quality of our work and the success of our partnerships.

At People Science, we don’t just work in talent acquisition, we work on it.

If you think you are ready to unleash your Brilliance, stretch your capabilities, and work towards results every day, check out our commonalities and tell us how they match you. Brilliance Works Here!

Recruiter (Remote)
Spring Lake, NJ
Sourcer (Remote)
Spring Lake, NJ