People Science

Posts by the Author: People Science

With diversity becoming more and more of a company focus point, it’s important for companies to understand that to have true success the process begins in recruiting. Diversifying your recruitment strategy and process will allow you to effect large scale change within your company. There are many different reasons to diversify teams within your organization, ...
You found the perfect candidate that aligns with the job requirements you’re looking to apply for that open position, but what approach should you take when discussing salary in an interview? Start off by reviewing your compensation budget with HR. What can you cap at? Can you add bonus incentives? Is a counteroffer going to ...
Are you struggling to get an interview?  Do you apply to job after job with no callbacks? Are you ready to throw in the towel? There are countless reasons your resume could be getting passed over.  Most of the reasons are nonsense but don’t worry, there are other options out there. So, what are the ...
Talent, education, and competency may be important factors, but they are simply not enough in today’s competitive market. If given the choice, most of us would rather work with someone we like over someone who is capable but don’t feel connected with.  The reason?  People who like each other feel connected and good things happen ...
It is easy to dread meetings. A whole hour away from work when so many other tasks could be accomplished during that time period? Why would you want that? Thinking about it from a different perspective, there are many important goals a meeting accomplishes: Opinions can be shared more easily and different opinions are recognized. ...
Companies in the U.S. are offering more remote work options to employees. One-third of the workers in the U.S. work remotely. The benefits are undeniable to the employee: independence, no commute, more time with family and friends. However, a new study shows that remote workers are more likely to quit because they are lonely and ...
Offering paid time off (PTO) to your employees often pays dividends for the employer in the form of the employees’ physical and mental health, attitudes toward work, and productivity. Disconnecting from work, especially from a stressful or demanding job, will afford your team member a welcome break from their daily routine, allowing them the chance ...
Are you talking to your recruiting teams to see how they feel the client relationship is going? Once a month we ask the recruiters to list out all the hiring managers that they have worked with in that month. Then we ask them to rate the relationship with that manager. The recruiter then rates the ...
Recruiters reject more candidates than they hire.  Learning how to do it with grace will create a positive candidate experience. Candidates who feel they had a positive experience with your company regardless of the hiring outcome, are more likely to consider future job opportunities with your company. Reject candidates as soon as possible: By reaching ...
When recruiting, it’s necessary to get familiar with all aspects of the job description as well as the company you are recruiting for. This can turn the process into a learning opportunity and ultimately help you reach the goal of finding the right candidates. Learn about the company’s successes, their goals for the future, the ...